Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Any recommendations for grooming products for kittens? Particularly shampoos?

Charlie's (3 month old) hair very soft, but not shiny....does that mean he's not healthy....any recommendations?Any recommendations for grooming products for kittens? Particularly shampoos?
Not all cats are meant to have shiny hair. Tuna juice is supposed to be good for that (drained off the tuna you eat in a can). not all the time, mind - just once in awhile.

If you're really concerned, consult your vet. They'll be able to give you the best possible information by SEEING your cat and examining it. We can't give him a physical online to know if he's not healthy! A dull coat alone doesn't necessarily mean he isn't healthy, but it could. We can't touch him - how would we know?Any recommendations for grooming products for kittens? Particularly shampoos?
Cats only need shampooing if they get into something they cannot safely clean off with their tongue. Brush him but do not bathe him like a dog or a child. You will damage the furs Ph and create a very unhappy cat.
My aunt's a vet and she told me that Regular unscented Dawn Dish soap works well. If you have a problem with fleas then you want to lather for about 5-10 minutes. Make sure to use REGULAR UNSCENTED and to rinse thouroughly to avoid dry skin. Otherwise just call the vet if you are still unsure.
Not all cats have shiny fur. My kitten also has soft dull hair. He is healthy as a... well... cat. Any way, I use Hartz Infusions conditioning shampoo. (for cats and kittens)
it takes a while to build up nice strong shiney fur in any kitty. food is the most important part. we use royal canin indoor 27, and kitty has fabulous clean, healthy fur. we believe is a result of his food.

make sure you brush kitty every other day as well.

as far as bathing, indoor kitties don't really need to be bathed, but since we brought our kitty home from the shelter, and he was a bit sticky, we used earthbath cat shampoo. it worked very well, and we'd use again if a bath was necessary - don't think it will be though. check them out at also, become a member of

it's free, and there's lots of good info for all kitties and their families.

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